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Birthstone Bracelets

Birthstone bracelets bring shining symbolic style to any look. Wear a bracelet that represents your birth month, the birth month of a loved one or a special occasion in your life. Bracelets with birthstones also make the perfect gift for new parents and grandparents. Choose a birthstone bracelet with the perfect gem such as sapphires, pearls, amethysts, peridots, and more. Available in gold or silver, our birthstone bracelets are crafted to bring lasting beauty.
Jan - Garnet
Feb - Amethyst
Mar - Aquamarine
Apr - Diamond
May - Emerald
Jul - Ruby
Aug - Peridot
Sept - Blue Sapphire
Nov - Citrine
Dec - Blue Topaz
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FAQs about Birthstone Bracelets

Can birthstones be worn daily?

When worn with care, birthstone bracelets can add a pop of color and flair to your everyday look. Some birthstones, like pearls and peridot, are more susceptible to scratching, so make sure you take your bracelet off before activities like cleaning or gardening. Store your bracelet in a soft, felt-lined jewelry box at the end of the day to keep it looking good as new.

Yes, birthstone bracelets can be worn daily.  

Is it good luck to wear your birthstone?

Many people consider birthstones to be good luck jewelry, and dazzling bracelets are an easy way to always keep these meaningful gemstones close at hand. Birthstone bracelets are thought to not only bring good luck but also to amplify the wearer’s most positive personality traits.

What are the 12 modern birthstones?

Birthstones have an ancient history, but the list of modern birthstones was only standardized in 1912 by the National Association of Jewelers, with a few updates since. The most commonly accepted list of the 12 modern birthstones is garnet (January), amethyst (February), aquamarine (March), diamond (April), emerald (May), pearl (June), ruby (July), peridot (August), sapphire (September), opal (October), citrine (November) and topaz (December).

Are bracelets with birthstones good gifts?

Deeply meaningful and uniquely stunning, birthstone bracelets are the perfect gift for any occasion. A birthstone bracelet for mom is a wonderful way to celebrate a new addition. Many people also choose bracelets with birthstones for grandma to signify a new grandchild. Because each birthstone is linked to a specific month, these bracelets can also make a wonderful gift for special occasions. Commemorate a wedding, graduation or other special event with a birthstone tennis bracelet that signifies the month of the occasion.

What styles are available?

We offer a wide variety of designs in gold and silver, making it easy to find the perfect birthstone bracelet for any occasion. Choose from eternity tennis styles, bangles, paperclip bracelets, bolo birthstone bracelets, cuffs adorned with these meaningful gems, and even designs with multiple birthstones set together in one piece.

What metals to birthstone bracelets come in?

Silver and gold birthstone bracelets are the most popular metal options. These metals are durable and offer stylish backdrops for our high-quality birthstones.

What does this jewelry represent?

This jewelry most commonly represents the specific birth month that correlates to the gemstone. As with all jewelry, the exact meaning of a bracelet with birthstones is unique to the wearer. Many people wear these bracelets because they simply enjoy the look of the piece.

Can you stack birthstone bracelets with other jewelry?

Bracelets with birthstones are ideal for stacking with other jewelry styles. They pair beautifully with tennis bracelets, bangle bracelets or plain metal gold and silver bracelets. Visit our bracelet stacking guide to learn more.

Are birthstone bracelets fashionable?

Deeply meaningful and highly stylish, a birthstone bracelet is always on trend.

What are some buying tips for birthstone bracelets?

You can visit our bracelet buying guide to learn more about shopping for this classic jewelry. Gemstones like birthstones receive evaluations for their color, clarity and size. Visit our gemstone guide to learn more about how these elements impact the price and look of birthstone bracelets.

Are birthstones treated?

Some birthstones receive enhancements to improve their beauty and durability. Learn more about gemstone enhancements to discover what makes these treatments a popular choice for birthstone bracelets.

How do you care for birthstone bracelets?

Different gems have different care instructions. Follow our gemstone care and cleaning guide for tips on keeping your specific birthstone bracelet at its best.

Which birthstone should I choose?

You should choose the birthstone that has the most meaning to the wearer. If you’re buying a birthstone bracelet for yourself, you may opt for whichever gem best matches your style. When buying bracelets with birthstones as gifts, you may want to choose a bracelet with a birthstone that’s significant to the wearer rather than focusing on style alone. 

For a good starting point on your birthstone bracelet shopping, consider each month’s special birthstone. Garnet is the birthstone for January, amethyst is the birthstone for February, aquamarine is March’s birthstone, diamond is the birthstone for April, May’s birthstone is emerald, and pearl is the June birthstone. The second half of the year also has beautiful birthstones that are perfect for bracelets. Ruby is the birthstone for July, peridot is August’s birthstone, sapphire is the birthstone for September, October’s birthstone is opal, citrine is the birthstone for November, and blue topaz is December’s birthstone.  

The best birthstone is the one that matches your budget and holds the most meaning for the wearer.  

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