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Where do yellow diamonds come from?

Yellow diamonds are mainly found in South Africa, Australia and Central Africa.

What makes diamonds yellow?

Yellow diamonds get their color from the high levels of nitrogen in the jewel that creates a naturally warm, yellow color.

Do yellow diamonds sparkle?

Yellow diamonds sparkle just like other diamonds. Like all colored gemstones, yellow diamonds are cut to show off their brilliant color. The exact sparkle will vary from diamond to diamond.

Are yellow diamonds real diamonds?

Yes, our certified yellow diamonds are authentic diamonds. Whether you buy a loose gem from our selection, have it set into one of our yellow diamond engagement rings, added to diamond earrings, set on a necklace, or added to a bracelet, you’re sure to find an authentic yellow or canary diamond from our selection.

What are the 4Cs of diamonds?

The 4Cs of diamonds are cut, color, clarity, and carat. Diamond color is one of the most important factors for yellow canary diamonds, with color having the biggest impact on how vibrant these gems will look in yellow diamond rings and other fine jewelry

Are yellow diamonds graded?

Yes, our canary yellow diamonds receive expert diamond grading and certifications to illustrate their most important qualities. You can learn more about diamond certification to discover why certified yellow diamonds are the best choice.

What kind of jewelry has yellow diamonds?

Yellow diamonds can be featured in women’s and men’s jewelry for all occasions. These colorful diamonds are most commonly found in yellow diamond rings, but other pieces like canary diamond necklaces are also popular.

Are canary yellow diamonds popular?

Yellow canary diamonds are some of the most popular fancy-colored diamonds.

What are some famous yellow colored diamonds?

Some of the most famous diamonds include yellow and canary diamonds. The 128.54 carat Tiffany Yellow Diamond is perhaps the most famous yellow diamond, having been worn by Audrey Hepburn, Lady Gaga and Beyoncé. You can recreate this iconic diamond’s look by shopping our canary yellow diamonds in the cushion cut.
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